# First Time Instructor Joys * Honored and privileged to work with students. * First time is no picnic. -- * Reminded of much I forgot I knew. * And much I thought I knew that I could know more clearly. * But tenacious students aren't deterred by a few bad lectures. --- ## The Farmer's Market * Alan Matthews / Nick Ray / Spencer Wyckoff * Alan became aware of problem while bartending. * Food to table is great but it's hard to find time to hit the farmer's market. Directly connect chefs with local farmers! -- * Buyers can follow farmers, browse local farms, and ask to purchase crops. * Farmers can post crops, email notifies followers, set prices by pound or other units. --- ## Leftovers * Rachel Patterson solo project. Exhaustion may have effected code, never decision making/manner. * Brave enough to continue working her job while taking this course. * Seeing as she had no time for grocery, needed easy way to handle just cheese and peas in fridge. -- * Search for recipes and view them via Yummly API integration. * After signing up, searches can be restricted by allergies, diets, or just hated ingredients. * You can bookmark your favorite recipes and leave comments about them. --- ## Low Juice * Sam Whitley's did rails side. Partner left midway through the final project with little completed. * Unphased, Sam plowed ahead and completed his Rails API. * Low juice is a product to message others when your phone is running out of battery. -- * Registered users can add contacts. * Contacts will be messaged through Twilio when battery levels reach a set percent. * Email statistics about phone battery level and twitter integration are in the works. --- ## Beer 411 * Mike Vaughan / John Albritton * It's easy to find reviews of beers or suggestions of beers you might like online. But finding a local bar that carries a specific beer is fairly tricky. -- * You can search by bar or by beer. * Bars have a current beer list curated by users and comment support. * Beers have a list of local bars that carry them, flavor profiles, and comments. --- ## Map My Day * Mollie Taylor / Mark Lamson * An app for tracking and sharing adventures. * Effectively a visual journal of your day. -- * Set GPS waypoints throughout the day, annotating them with photos, mode of transportation, and other data. * You can later export them to the photo gallery and share them via the normal Apple sharing functions. * The frontend allows editing your profile, browsing past days of yours and others, and various graphs about travel patterns generated with d3.js. --- ## Ludi Mentis * Alex McConnell came to us as a professional poker player. * Had the idea to build a general online card game playing site. -- * Ludi Mentis currently supports playing Go Fish, Gin Rummy, and an original game of Alex's own devising with 8 different suits. * In addition to card games, it includes a single page checkers game. * It has matchmaking, customizable color themes, and an achievements system. * Games currently poll the server for updates but push through Meteor or Volt is slated for future investigation. --- ## Cluster Card * Evan Koch was inspired to make ClusterCard after a death in the family. * Create group video greeting cards for different occasions. -- * You can create a card and send it to friends and family who can upload video notes. * Once everyone has contributed, you can post the card on Facebook to share it with the recipient.