API for package: romreader
Homepage: Github
*valid-formats*: ("nes") variable
A list of ROM formats with implemented readers. Do not manually modify this.
rom (standard-object) class
metadata reader: rom-metadata
binary reader: rom-binary
format reader: rom-format
prg reader: rom-prg writer: rom-prg
chr reader: rom-chr writer: rom-chr
romreader-error (error) class
The base condition for all errors in ROMREADER.
defreader format &body body function
Define a reader for FORMAT. FORMAT should be a pathname-type
(i.e. file extension). FORMAT will be added to *valid-formats* if needed.
BODY executes inside a WITH-OPEN-FILE binding 'in' to a binary-stream of
the ROM. The BODY should return a list like so: (rom-metadata rom-binary).
load-rom path function
Check to see if PATH exists and is a supported ROM format. If so, call the
appropriate reader and return a ROM instance, otherwise error.
rom-binary rom standard-generic-function
Return a bytevector of the ROM data.
rom-chr rom standard-generic-function
Return the character/sprite data from the ROM.
(setf rom-chr) new-value object standard-generic-function
rom-format rom standard-generic-function
Return the file extension of the ROM as a symbol.
rom-metadata rom standard-generic-function
Return a plist of the ROM metadata.
rom-prg rom standard-generic-function
Return the program data from the ROM.
(setf rom-prg) new-value object standard-generic-function
defreader format &body body macro
Define a reader for FORMAT. FORMAT should be a pathname-type
(i.e. file extension). FORMAT will be added to *valid-formats* if needed.
BODY executes inside a WITH-OPEN-FILE binding 'in' to a binary-stream of
the ROM. The BODY should return a list like so: (rom-metadata rom-binary).