## How do I begin? God, Strangeloop is so peculiar and fantastic. The night before, I got in bed at 10:30 but didn't fall asleep until after midnight...which makes Strange Loop better than Christmas. I boarded the plane to St Louis meaning to sleep but wound up reading 100 pages of Neuromancer while listening to the [Fez](http://disasterpeace.com/album/fez) and [Journey](http://austinwintory.bandcamp.com/album/journey) soundtracks. By the time I hit the ground I was in no mood for a nap. In the hotel lobby I chatted with [Jonathan Penn](https://twitter.com/jonathanpenn) and [Sarah Doukies](https://twitter.com/sadukie) which turned into lunch at Pappy's Smokehouse. After lunch, I bumped into Alex Gaynor and asked him some questions about Topaz, RPython, and the recent [One VM to Rule Them All](http://lafo.ssw.uni-linz.ac.at/papers/2013_JVMLanguageSummit_OneVMToRuleThemAll.pdf) paper. Then I checked into my room, dropped my bags, and read some more Neuromancer. When I came back down, I bumped into Jack Moffitt and was swept away to dinner with a bunch of Mozilla Research folks and PLT Scheme academics to be regaled with discussion of: Measure Theory, Macro Systems, Theorem Provers, Operational Semantics, and other abstract nonsense. Well, GC for Rust and the state of Servo came up too. Jay and I discussed a macro system that his student [Blake is working on](https://github.com/bdj/pldi2013), upcoming Racket VM work, and a functional game engine on the way back. To wrap up the night, I went to the Stripe drinkup to see my buddy [Andreas Fuchs](https://twitter.com/antifuchs). There Peter Wang of Continuum Analysis bumped into my table. The discussion started as arguments about impostor syndrome and the best 5 TV shows of the last decade. It ended as a serious discussion about the rise of Heterogeneous Computing and how to map a data description language to LLVM IR for optimally performant, power-efficient high performance computing. Array languages, cache locality, verilog, NUMA architectures, you name it, we covered it. Oh, and someone asked me at the bar if "you're the guy who did a Nintendo Emulator in Lisp". Where the hell else would *that* happen? ## What do you program for? It feels dumb every time I vaguely go on about the data analytics company I work for in a mostly business-logic, not hard-algo capacity. It feels dumb to say my most prominent hobby project for the last year has been a Nintendo Emulator in Common Lisp ... that isn't finished yet. There are a decent number of smart folks doing consulting or boring web app business logic like I am ... but you're constantly surrounded by folks that are thinking 5 to 10 years out from a dozen angles you haven't considered. Or academics who are equally intimidating in a different fashion. Last year that was thrilling but this year its a bit terrifying. I just don't have a good answer to what my motivation in programming is right now. These are the people I want to be around, these topics interest me a great deal. It is hard not to feel like I've got a long, very uphill road to get to the place I want to be technically. But I'm just not on that road right now. One thing is for sure: If I can just manage to sleep tonight, I'm going to learn a hell of a lot tomorrow. ## Addendum I'd like to do a related post sometime on burnout. For me, burnout seems very tied to the insane churn of this field. Academia does hard, meaningful work that gets ignored. A very few brilliant folks work on reinventing computing and never ship much (think VPRI). 1% Engineers work at megafirms trying to change the world and stay ahead of the train of people hoping to eat their lunch. A huge segment tunes out and just writes whatever language they know as long as they can stay employed. The 10-20% in the middle with their heads up? It's just terrifying. Quoth Milosz, "I thrash in the bed of my style, searching for a comfortable position, not too sanctimonious and not too mundane." I think what this all boils down to is that I've lost the ability to convince myself that my hobby hacking, particularly the emulator, is meaningful. I still can find some meaning in it ... but I can't help but feel that I've been working on it a year, don't have very much done, and haven't learned enough. If I really finish a readable pure CL Nintendo emulator, who gives a damn? I've still failed to implement Depth-First Search on a whiteboard in the past year. Moreover, everybody else is out there kicking ass and solving "real problems". Have I done hard-client side stuff? No. Played with Machine Learning? No. Distributed Systems? No. Logic Programming or new languages? No. I just wrote a fucking unfinished emulator that isn't terrible to read. Whoopee.