** How to have something cool to show off in time for Strange Loop (09/23/2012, 4 months) - The idea: Emulation as a Service (Old CPUs first, whole consoles later?) - The implementation: -- Common Lisp lib per CPU on the backend (cl-6502, cl-Z80, initially) (future: cl-m68k, mips, pdp, etc) -- Common Lisp lib to expose them via Hunchentoot + ST-JSON (called qeng-ho) -- Clojure frontend/webservice probably built with Ring+Noir+etc (called pham-nuwen). ---- Host it at deepclouds.net. - The method: -- Backends first, then qeng-ho+pham-nuwen concurrently. -- Work in 2 week sprints with defined goals. ---- i.e. 2 weeks for emulation, 2 weeks for assemblers. Test+refactor as needed. -- Hard deadlines: 6502 wrapped up by 07/01. Z80 wrapped up by 08/01. -- Something runnable on deepclouds.net by 09/01. POLISH POLISH POLISH! -- Probably want an example program to run. Hello world/Factorial, etc. -- Want to provide assembly and disassembly as a service in the future. What about DOS/garbage data attacks? What's underneath deepclouds? Linode running Debian Wheezy (Squeeze in a pinch) Daemons: -- Lighttpd (generic), Postgres (generic) -- Pham Nuwen (clojure >= 1.4, leiningen >= 2.0) -- Qeng Ho (sbcl >= 1.0.56, quicklisp) Current linode is running busted archlinux. Move to Debian in August if Wheezy is ready. -- Upgrade to a 768 or 1024 instance? Or 2 512 instances? (lean towards 768 instance ATM) -- Jekyll||Wordpress (blog) / redlinernotes.com domain-based routing