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The directory to store the session key, scrobble cache and log in.
The number of songs needed in the queue before an attempt to scrobble is made.
This is a lambda or named function intended to take no arguments and return a list where the first element is the track name, the second is the artist and the third is the track length in seconds.
This is a lambda or named function intended to take no arguments and return the current position in the track in seconds.
Get a copy of the contents of the *SCROBBLE-CACHE*.
When valid (as determined by VALID-SCROBBLE-P), add a song to the queue to be scrobbled. If there is a network failure, the track will be stored for later scrobbling when a connection is reestablished.
Ensure needed variables are set, restore the cache and settings if present and, if scrobbling is enabled, restore or acquire a session key.
Loop indefinitely. If there are at least *SCROBBLE-COUNT* songs queued, scrobble until the queue is empty or errors occur. Sleep 2 minutes and repeat.
Update the now playing status when *NOW-PLAYING-P* is non-NIL.
Toggle whether or not the Now Playing status is updated with each song.
Toggle whether or not new songs are added to the queue.
Set *LAST-SEEK* to the current track position via *SONG-TIME-FN*.
Set *SKIPPED* to the current track position via *SONG-TIME-FN*.
Set *SONG-INFO* to a list of (track artist duration timestamp) via *SONG-INFO-FN* and UNIX-TIMESTAMP.